Albany International Airport gets $60 million from state for upgrades

Albany International Airport is getting $60 million from the state. The money will be used for many upgrades.

The walkway will be transformed into an expansion of the terminal, with a more modern look, and more space. There will be more space for the security checkpoint to improve passenger flow.

In addition, new designs are all around the airport, to alleviate problems they have right now with long lines and backups.

There will be more spaces to wait, or sit and talk, or shop.

The state funding comes from the Upstate Airport Economic Development and Revitalization Competition.

Albany’s airport got $60 million for expansion and upgrades throughout, including pre- and post-checkpoint.
The project will cost $100 million. The gap will be filled by federal funds.

The new look will allow this gateway and economic driver to present a more vibrant, modern face.

This is part of a $230 million statewide project to modernize airports.

Albany International Airport isn’t the only facility that will see a facelift.

Saratoga County Airport is getting $27 million.

They’re building a new, state of the art, energy efficient terminal building. In addition, $8.5 million will go to the Adirondack Regional Airport. The money will help revitalize the terminal building.

The project would make reconfigurations that will expand the central receiving area for improved flow of people.