Albany Police recover three handguns and drugs from residence

The Albany Police Department says they recovered three handguns and a quantity of cocaine from a residence on the 500 block of Madison Avenue on Friday.
This followed a call to police regarding a person with a weapon in the area.
Around 5:40 p.m., an on-duty patrol sergeant patrolling the area was flagged down for a report of a person with a handgun, said police.
The patrol sergeant observed 39-year-old Michael Broadie enter a residence on the 500 block of Madison Avenue, carrying clothing and a bag, and was stopped after eventually exiting the residence.
It was learned by police that Broadie was carrying these items into the residence.
Police say after further investigation, three handguns and cocaine were recovered from inside the residence, and that the items were located in what is Broadie’s property.
Albany Police say Broadie was charged with second-degree criminal possession of a weapon, two counts of third-degree criminal possession of a weapon, and fifth-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance.
They say he was arraigned this morning in Albany City Criminal Court and remanded to the Albany County Jail.