Attorney upset over trial date in Kaylin Gillis shooting
Kevin Monahan’s attorney, Kurt Mausert, said he’s in for a really tough fight as his client heads to trial in the April shooting death of Kaylin Gillis.
Mausert was very upset by the trial date of September 7 the judge set, and that there is no way he will be ready for a trial that is set to start in just three-and-a-half months.
However, Mausert is prepared to fight for his client, he said.
Mausert said he will go to a higher court to get the current trial date erased from the calendar.
Meanwhile, District Attorney Tony Jordan feels strong about the judge’s decision to head to trial.
Jordan says the evidence against Monahan is stronger now.
Learn about what that evidence is by watching the video of Tessa Bentulan’s story.