Carjacking victim gets $10,000 check after couple sees story

10,000 dollar check donation to carjacking victim in Albany

In response to a story about an 80-year-old woman who was carjacked in Albany, a couple stepped forward with a check for $10,000

After seeing NewsChannel 13’s story of how an 80-year-old Albany woman was carjacked and her vehicle stolen, one couple wanted to step up to help.

Clara Phillips, also known as Miss Clara, has worked at the South End Children’s Café for nine years, where dozens of children get dinner and homework help, plus after-dinner programs every weeknight.

She was confronted by three men last month, who told her to get out of her car and turn over the keys. They took off with her car and then totaled it.

A fundraising campaign was launched to help her purchase a new vehicle. A couple who saw the story, who wanted to remain anonymous, presented her with a $10,000 check on Wednesday.

Miss Clara was very grateful.

“Somebody give me a check for $10,000 that I don’t even know? That’s what you call a blessing from God,” she said.