Casey Frankoski’s aunt talks about receiving diploma in honor of her fallen niece

Casey Frankoski’s aunt shares her thoughts on her niece

Casey Frankoski's aunt shares her thoughts on her niece, a New York Air National Guard member who died in a helicopter crash in March

New York National Guard member Casey Frankoski would have graduated from Excelsior College last month.

Frankoski was one of three people killed in a helicopter crash on March 8 at the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas.. John Grassia III also died in the crash and Jacob Pratt was seriously injured.

Her aunt, Lisa, walked on the stage at MVP Arena to receive a posthumously awarded degree to her niece in homeland security and emergency management. She was handed the diploma.

“And then I turned and the entire MVP Arena was on their feet applauding. Standing ovation. It was unbelievable,” Lisa Frankoski said.

She was very close to her niece.

“I was living in Baltimore, and I decided to move back home because I just missed Casey and her brother and my family and I wanted to be that fun aunt,” she said.

As she got older, they were reading the same books. They got into vampire fiction and they would talk about all the books and characters.

When Casey decided to enlist in the National Guard and fly Black Hawk helicopters, Lisa knew her goddaughter would be incredible.

“There’s very few women that can fly those helicopters and she loved it. She loved every minute of it, and she was so good at it,” he said.

Chief Warrant Officer to Casey Frankoski grew up in East Greenbush. She graduated from Columbia High School. She was a skilled bowler and she loved concerts. Somehow, always finding her way into the music pit. She was a volunteer firefighter and as a National Guard member.

Casey served overseas in Kuwait. She received nearly a dozen honors.

In addition to all of that, Casey was taking her final class. The university’s graduation ceremony last month was dedicated to her memory.

“I was able to sit with her class, and I was surrounded by military people in her class and that was just so special,” Lisa said.

Lisa carried the graduation stole bearing Casey’s initials and red, white and blue cords.

“I received her diploma and they all said, can I hug you? And it really, really was an honor to be there for her,” she said.

MORE: Casey Frankoski scholarship

Casey Frankoski’s aunt shares more stories about her niece

Casey Frankoski's aunt shares more stories about her niece