Gubernatorial candidate from Johnstown says he’s thankful for NY abortion protections

Harry Wilson
Harry Wilson, one of the candidates for New York governor and the only person from the Capital Region in the race, is weighing in on the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.
During an interview with Mark Mulholland in Albany on Friday, Wilson – who is a pro-choice Republican – said he wasn’t surprised by the ruling and is thankful New York has protections in place.
“In the state of New York, nothing really changes. Politicians on both sides of the aisle will talk about it a lot, but at the end of the day, we already have on the books one of the most expansive abortion laws in the country, and I’m running to fix the state, I’m not running on a social agenda.”
Wilson, who is married and has four daughters, was born and raised in Johnstown and went on to graduate from Harvard.