Legislator proposes $1,000 fine each time someone passes stopped school bus

Legislator proposes $1,000 fine each time someone passes stopped school bus

With the school year just days away here in New York, a state legislator is calling for stiffer penalties for those who put our kids in danger. Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara is proposing the School Bus Safety Protection Act.

With the school year just days away here in New York, a state legislator is calling for stiffer penalties for those who put our kids in danger.

Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara is proposing the School Bus Safety Protection Act.

The law would add new penalties for drivers who illegally pass stopped school buses.

The current maximum fine is $400 for a first offense and up to $1,000 for a third offense.

If you’re a multiple time offender, you would also get up to 6 months in jail.

Santabarbara’s proposal would cost $1,000 for each offense, a suspension of your license if convicted, jail time and community service.