Local restaurant owner gifted with brand new van

The owner and head chef of Allie B’s Cozy Kitchen in Albany just received a brand new van, from the non-profit organization, Business for Good.

The new van gives her more space and which allows her to deliver more food. “I can go to the warehouse and get 40 cases of turkey wings and put them in this van, she said. Where before I would have to get five today and five cases the next day.”

Allie Williams has been in business for nearly nine years, but says she’s been cooking since three. “Food comforts you. If you are sad and someone gives you some of this mac and cheese your heart is going to melt just like that cheese with love,” she said.

She feels the branded design gives her catering business a more polished look, but of course she’s always thinking of ways she can give back. “The money that I make with this van, it allows me to be more stable to give to the community,” she said.

She said her business model for Allie B’s Cozy Kitchen located at 353 Clinton Ave, consists of good soul food and making sure people feel loved.