Lyft helps driver who transported Troy gunshot victim

Lyft responds to driver who transported Troy gunshot victim

Lyft is responding, after a ride last week left a Lyft driver's back seat soaked in blood.

A Lyft driver who does not want to be identified picked up two men on Grand Street in Troy one week ago, there was one stop, and one of the men got out, and then shots were fired.

“So of course I turn on my car and I was going to leave and the guy grabbed me and he said no, you’re not leaving, wait. I don’t know what is happening. So I just stayed there,” the driver told us Monday.

The shooting was in the area of Florence Place and 102nd Street. The now-injured passenger got back into the car. The driver was scared and felt forced to take them to the hospital.

“But I wasn’t just a driver. They obligated me to drive them. They basically took me hostage,” the driver said.

The back seat was soaked in blood and the driver says the smell is bad.

He told us Lyft gave him $750, but he found cleaning estimates are much higher because all the blood is a biohazard.

Since our story aired, people have been offering to help, including My Steam Auto Clean out of Greenfield Center, that offered its mobile steam cleaning service right away, if needed.

We reached out to Lyft and got a response. A company spokesperson said: “Safety is fundamental to Lyft, and the incident described is deeply troubling. We have been in contact with the driver to offer our support, including the full reimbursement for all car cleaning services associated with this incident. We have also permanently banned the rider’s account from the Lyft platform, and stand ready to assist law enforcement with their investigation.”

The driver is very grateful. He is eager to get his car back because he uses it in his day job, and also to get to and from work.