Newly upgraded building, lunch options greet Hoosick Falls students

Newly upgraded building, lunch options greet Hoosick Falls students

Hoosick Falls students returned to a newly upgraded building on Tuesday. The infrastructure project took four years of work and $23 million, according to Superintendent Patrick Dailey.

Hoosick Falls students returned to a newly upgraded building on Tuesday.

The infrastructure project took four years of work and $23 million, according to Superintendent Patrick Dailey.

A lot of the internal upgrades are the first in 60 years, he said.

“Basically, an infrastructure project. Everything inside, every heating unit, every electrical server room, new science rooms, libraries, new kitchen, basically a whole rebuild on the inside,” Dailey said.

Other upgrades include WiFi throughout the entire building and a collegiate-style kitchen where students will have more control over what they eat.

“Instead of going through one line, getting one set of food, we have an everyday taco bar, everyday salad, the hot meal that comes every day, pizza every day, parfait every day, plus all the other little things,” Dailey said. “So it’s a choice versus what we grew up with, I guess, in the past.”

The district is also putting a special focus on character this year, according to Dailey. It will center on five core values.

“So, Panther Pride, it’s perseverance, respect, integrity, dependability, and empathy,” he said. “So, everything we do moving forward is going to be hinged on at least one of those core values.”

Dailey said he’s looking forward to the challenges of the new school year.

“It doesn’t matter how many times you teach the same subject. It’s different kids every year and different experiences. So we’re all just excited.” he said.