Pancreatic cancer research walk set for Sunday

Pancreatic cancer walk set for Sunday

Pancreatic cancer walk set for Sunday

Walkers from all over the Capital Region and beyond will meet at Elm Avenue Park in Delmar to raise money and awareness for pancreatic cancer.

The annual Lustgarten Pancreatic Research Walk is in its 21st year.

So far this year, the walk has raised more than $83,000 of its $90,000 goal.

Around 400 people have signed up so far, with 45 teams.

One of the teams is “Greg’s Gladiators,” which was created after Greg Sorrentino was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer at the age of 47. The team has raised around $40,000 since them.

Sadly, Sorrentino died last year. 

“He really enjoyed the walk … and you meet a lot of people going through the same thing which is hard to find when you’re struggling with cancer,” said Marcie Sorrentino, his sister.

The event will take place Sunday, Sept. 8 from 8 a.m. to noon, with the walk itself starting at 10:30 a.m.

MORE: Lustgarten Pancreatic Cancer Research Walk