Police cracking down on drunk driving over Labor Day weekend

State Police are cracking down on drunk, impaired and reckless driving during the Labor Day weekend.

There will be more patrols beginning Friday through Monday.

During the 2023 Labor Day weekend, State Police arrested 154 people on DWI charges, issued 8,762 total tickets, including 3,407 for speeding.

The state is encouraging people to download the “Have a Plan” mobile app to help them find and call a taxi service and program a designated driver list.

The law firm of Harding Mazzotti is providing $20 for Uber vouchers on a first-come, first-serve basis on Monday, Sept. 2 from noon until midnight.

Uber and Mothers Against Drunk Driving are offering discounted rides. Through Sept. 2, riders can redeem 25% off two rides using the code “RIDESAFE2024.”