Scare-nectady Haunted Patrol, a spooky success

Schenectady Police said that Scare-nectady went off without a hitch.
The 4th annual Scare-nectady Haunted Patrol went off without a hitch, said Schenectady Police Department. Smiling faces and creative costumes filled the streets of Schenectady on Thursday evening, police said.
Candy, coloring books, and safety tips were handed out by Schenectady Police officers and firefighters. While Halloween can be fun, the Schenectady first responders know that it is also very important to remain safe.
Officers and firefighters in their spooky, decked-out police cars and fire trucks stopped at various locations within the city to meet the eager audience.
First responders began their haunting trek at Fairview Park in Bellevue, and made their way to multiple schools, including Hamilton, Woodlawn Elementary, and Howe Elementary.
The spooky patrolling concluded at Steinmetz Park. The city of Schenectady said they hope that everyone has an enjoyable, but also safe Halloween this year.