Shen superintendent: State says ‘Plainsmen’ name tied to offensive logo

Shen to drop Plainsmen name from mascot

Shen to drop Plainsmen name, citing offensive imagery tied to the old logo.

Shenendehowa decided to abandon the Plainsmen moniker, after state officials said that the nickname is still tied to a past offensive logo, according to the school district.

Superintendent L. Oliver Robinson told the Board of Education at its meeting Tuesday that the district had numerous conversations with the state over use of the term Plainsmen.

The state has required districts to phase out Native-themed imagery, and the school board had voted in January to remove the headdress logo. However, it said it cannot retain the “Plainsmen” term.

“Because the Plainsmen name was in fact associated with teams and the less-than-appropriate mascot, the state sees the two things as being married,” Robinson said.

Other districts, including Cambridge, have unsuccessfully tried to fight the mandate to remove the logos.

Robinson reiterated that it is not about erasing history – which the district has 75 years’ worth.

“Most of it we’re extremely proud of as school community,” he said. “The question is what does moving forward look like.”

Robinson said there is no specific timetable for removing the “Plainsmen” from the district’s branding. It will not be an instant change because the district has equipment with the name, murals and other items.

“There is a recognition by the state that this is not an overnight process,” he said.

There is no specific timetable for when the district will decide on a new logo or mascot, according to Robinson.

“I anticipate it will be some point this year, we’ll start having a conservation about what does another name looks like,” he said.

Board of Education President Petra Holden said the state could withhold aid or even remove the superintendent if it refuses to comply.

Board Vice President Tom Templeton said he is a Shen alumnus who played on sports teams. He said it was a really valuable experience. He said it is time to move forward in a positive direction.

“This is not the will of Shen, but the will of State Ed. I think we need to recognize what we’re in control of here,” he said.

“My pride in my alma mater is going anywhere,” he added.

The board voted 5-1 to drop the Plainsmen name.

Parents are reacting to the news. NewsChannel 13’s Zach Richter caught up with parents attending a soccer match between Shenendehowa and Colonie.

“Where I grew up, in Central New York, it was Iroquois lane and there’s a way to respect that initiative,” Tim Rock said.