State Police issued around 11,500 tickets during St. Patrick’s Day weekend crackdown

New York State Police issued around 11,500 tickets during the St. Patrick’s Day weekend crackdown.

The enforcement campaign began on Friday, March 14 and continued until Monday. Police used sobriety checkpoints, additional DWI patrols and underage drinking and sales to minors details. There were 239 people charged with driving while intoxicated.

There were also 3,680 tickets issued for speeding, 423 for seatbelt violations, 337 for distracted driving and 161 for violations of the Move Over Law.

In Troop G, which includes most of the Capital Region, there were 962 tickets issued including 31 DWI arrests. There were also 331 tickets for speeding, 23 for distracted driving, 23 for seatbelt violations and 12 for violations of the Move Over Law.