The College of Saint Rose may be shut down but the lights are still on

The College of Saint Rose still up and running after closure

40 staffers are on campus and answering calls and emails all while they manage the college's closure.

What kind of security still exists on the now-closed College of Saint Rose in Albany, after the school was burglarized over the weekend?

Saint Rose closed its doors for good last month after years of funding problems.

The chief of staff, Lisa Haley Thomson said that even though the college is closed, it’s still maintaining and securing the campus until the property is sold.

Security will stay on campus until the end of December, and that will be extended if necessary; security still answers the dispatch line and surveillance cameras are all over campus.

It’s a reminder after this past weekend’s burglary, where two men went into the former science building and tried to take computers, police said. When police arrived, campus security told officers the two people were still inside.

Police charged both suspects with grand larceny and burglary, among other charges.

This brought up the question: why does a shutdown college still have expensive equipment on campus?
After a phone call with Thomson, NewsChannel 13 found out there are still about 40 employees who are working on campus to manage the closure.

Some of the equipment, like computers, are still needed, but Thomson said it’s in the process of selling all of its equipment.

There is no word yet on any potential buyers of the Saint Rose campus.