Union College president will step down in June 2025

Union College president to step down at end of school year

Union College president to step down at end of academic year in June 2025.

Union College President David Harris announced Monday that he is stepping down at the end of the academic year.

Harris has been president since July 2018. He told the campus in a video message that he has no specific plans for his future, but he does not intend to seek another college or university presidency.

His final day will be June 30, 2025. Harris said he provided enough notice, so the college had sufficient time to find a successor.

“My goal has always been to ensure that Union thrives now and across multiple tomorrows,” Harris said in his message to campus. “Part of that requires understanding when it is the right time to pass the baton.”

Union Board of Trustees Chairwoman Julie Greifer Swidler praised Harris’ accomplishments and commitment to Union.

“The entire Union community owes David a debt of gratitude for his effective leadership over the past six years,” Swidler said in a statement. “His commitment to students, his passion for Union’s distinct mission and his boundless energy will combine to leave a lasting positive legacy.”