Washington County father charged with shooting son, 4, with BB gun

A 4-year-old child in Washington County was rushed to Albany Med, after being shot with a BB gun. His father was arrested in the crime.

Police were called to the Prosser residence around 7:20 Saturday night. Police say they have been called to the home several times before. When they got there, they say they had to break up a fight between

Eric Prosser, 31, and his father-in-law who rushed to the scene when he found out his grandson had been shot with a BB gun.

Prosser was taken into custody, charged with criminal contempt and assault, both felonies. He was also charged with child endangerment, a misdemeanor.

The little boys’ grandparents say their daughter is “through with Prosser.” They refer to him as “a chronic alcoholic” who has been abusive to their daughter and grandchildren for a long time.

Learn about some of the challenges the district attorney says need to be addressed when it comes to the problem of child abuse by watching the video of Dan Levy’s story.