Whitehall spends night 3 without reliable water

Whitehall spends night 3 without reliable water

A State of Emergency remains in effect for the village of Whitehall. The village has been without water since Sunday evening.

A State of Emergency remains in effect for the village of Whitehall. The village has been without water since Sunday evening.

Potable water is of course one of the necessities of life. Since late Sunday, 1,200 households, roughly 3,300 residents in Whitehall, have had to make do without any drinking water running from their taps.
The Whitehall School District has been forced into remote learning during the emergency.

Many area businesses, especially restaurants, rely on potable water.

The village gets it’s drinking water from Pine Lake, which is about 14-feet below the level required to keep the system charged, and water flowing.

The village was able to slowly fill the water tank at the drinking water treatment facility Monday night into Tuesday morning. The village website says Pine Lake is not able to fill the system as quickly as normal water depletes the system.

Residents will see water return to the system over the next 24 to 48 hours. 

They’re told not to use the water except in an emergency. That includes no washing, dishwashing showers or other similar water use.

The village has opened an emergency shelter at the recreation center on Williams Street. 

Another update is expected from the village on Wednesday morning.

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