Expert: Hitting snooze can disrupt sleep cycle

Avoid changing sleep schedule

Avoid changing sleep schedule on the weekends because it could be disruptive.

Hitting the snooze button is interrupting your sleep cycle.

Dr. Alicia Roth, a sleep psychologist for the Cleveland Clinic, said it is best to set your alarm for the time you actually have to wake up. People can also try setting their alarm clock so they have to get out of bed to shut it off. They should also keep the sleep schedule the same on the weekends as during the week.

“My general advice is that you set one alarm. The more alarms you have, the harder it’s going to be for you to wake up in the morning,” she said. “A lot of us have a tendency to go to bed later and wake up later on weekends than on weekdays. That makes it really difficult to wake up on Monday morning and Tuesday morning and might prompt us to have multiple alarms or multiple snoozes.”

A sleep disorder could also be a reason you find it difficult to get up in the morning. If this impacts your everyday life, it might be time to see a sleep specialist.