Oregon boy bounces back from life-changing heart surgery

PORTLAND, Ore. – Maverick Waler, 5, loves planes and can’t wait to start kindergarten in the fall.

Watching him race around his Oregon home, it’s hard to believe that less than a year ago, this little boy could barely walk from the family car to the store without his lips turning blue.

Maverick was born with a rare heart condition called “Swiss cheese heart.” There were a dozen holes between the walls of his heart – some as large as a dime.

Until they met Dr. Emile Bacha, the Walers thought Maverick’s future would involve a series of major surgeries, and eventually a heart transplant. Then the doctor delivered a message that changed everyone’s life. It involved a six-hour surgery, and gave the Walers the best news of all.

Learn about the surgery and see how much it’s changed Maverick’s life by watching the video.