Ovarian cancer symptoms resemble other illnesses

Women should get checked for ovarian cancer

Women should listen to their bodies and get checked for ovarian cancer.

Ovarian cancer can be hard to diagnose.

Doctors say women need to pay attention to their bodies and report any symptoms that have been persistent for more than three weeks.

“The problem with ovarian cancer is it tends to be a cancer that creates symptoms, but it’s the symptoms that we all have,” said Dr. Robert DeBernardo, of the Cleveland Clinic. “Oh, ‘I’m full after I eat’ or ‘I’m a little nauseous’ or ‘my bowels have changed.’ So people commonly think maybe they have a UTI, or they have a gallbladder attack, and it’s not until people are really sick from the cancer that they’re going to end up in the ER.”

There are factors that can put a woman more at risk, like age and genetics.

Women who know of ovarian cancer in their family should get genetic testing done.