Parents can help ease children’s first-day-of-school jitters

Parents can ease kids’ fears about first day of school

Parents can ease kids' fears about first day of school by sharing their experiences.

With school stating up in two weeks, parents can help ease their children’s first-day jitters.

Vanessa Jensen, a psychologist for Cleveland Clinic, said parents should share stories from when they were in school to show them you understand how they may be feeling.

“Try to focus on the positives. You don’t want to minimize the worries. You never want to say: ‘You have nothing to worry about.’ If they’re worried, they’re worried,” said Dr. Jensen. “But to help them understand, you know, we’ll get through it. I know we can do it. I know you can do it, and we’ll keep talking about it.”

If your child is making regular excuses for not going to school, it’s worth talking with your teacher or guidance counselor about the situation.