Make-A-Wish relocates headquarters to Saratoga Springs

Make-A-Wish moves to new office space

Make-A-Wish moves to new office space in downtown Saratoga Springs.

Make-A-Wish Northeast New York just relocated its headquarters to Saratoga Springs, and the nonprofit is excited about all it can offer from this new “wishing space.”

President and CEO Jamie Hathaway shared his excitement about this next chapter.
“I tell people a lot, we don’t have an office where we grant wishes, we have a wishing space where our office is, right?” he said.

The wishing space has a ton of cool features, including an immersion theater where kids and their families can get inspired as they dream up their wishes.

“We get to be the fun side of a sad story, and we take that responsibility and that honor very seriously,” he said.

As Make-A-Wish gets settled in their new local home, the organization is seeking both donations and referrals.

MORE: Make-A-Wish