Arrest made in 1997 death of baby found in Albany’s Washington Park

Police: Baby moses murder mystery solved

Police: Baby Moses murder mystery solved after 27 years.

An arrest has been made in the 1997 death of “Baby Moses.”

That’s the name given to an unknown baby found dead near the Moses statue in Albany’s Washington Park on September 7, 1997.

Keri Mazzuca, 52, of Altamont, has been charged with murder, concealment of a human corpse and tampering with physical evidence.

She was sent to Albany County Jail.

Albany Mayor Kathy Sheehan released this statement:

“I remember the shock and disbelief that was felt throughout Albany when the body of ‘baby Moses’ was discovered. I want to commend the hard-working members of law enforcement, particularly within the Albany Police Department, who never gave up on seeking justice in this case. The closure of this 27-year-old homicide demonstrates yet again the incredible dedication of the men and women of APD under Chief Hawkins leadership.”

Here more about how police solved the case by watching video of Dan Levy’s story.

Keri Mazzuca