Albany-based fraud expert warns of big travel scams
Does that vacation rental property you’re eyeing on Airbnb look too good to be true? Chances are it might be.
Fraud experts say rental properties are an easy way for would-be scammers to cash in.
Albany based fraud expert J. Michael Skiba says fake listings are a real problem.
"I would be definitely forewarned if you’re not seeing many reviews on the host or if they’re brand new, I would maybe look elsewhere. Also, too, pricing. If their pricing seems lower than a comparable rental in that area, it would definitely be a flag for me," said Skiba.
If you think you’ve been getting more robocalls, you’re right.

Skiba says robocalls regarding travel will be up 80% this year. That’s close to five billion more calls than normal. Some claim steep discounts in an attempt to draw you in.
Learn about some big red flags to watch out for so you don’t become a victim by watching the video of Jacquie Slater’s story.