Back-to-school season has scammers in high gear

As back to school online shopping is in full swing, fraud experts warn this is prime time for scammers to up their game.

Michael Skiba, aka "Dr. Fraud" is an international fraud expert. He says back to school means big business for scammers trying to get their hands on your hard-earned cash.

The best way to play it safe, he says, is to stick to the names you know and trust.

When shopping, the big box retailers or Amazon are usually safe bets.

The risk goes up when you purchase from auction sites or public marketplaces like Craigslist, Poshmark, or Facebook.

"The recourse is very low. If you’re scammed on one of those platforms, the chances of getting your money back or your good back is very, very low," Skiba warned.

Learn about some of his other advice, so you don’t fall victim by watching the video of Jacquie Slater’s story.