Scam targeting churchgoers resurfaces

Churchgoers may want to keep a close eye on their email.

A scam NewsChannel 13 first told you about two years ago has resurfaced.

A NewsChannel 13 producer got an email that appeared to be from her pastor. It asked her to buy gift cards for deserving staff as a way to say thank you, but he wanted it to be a surprise.

It’s something the church has done before, so she didn’t think anything of it. However, there were red flags.

The red flags

Learn about the big red flags you should easily be able to spot, to quickly determine if someone’s trying to scam you.

Tips to protect yourself

NewsChannel 13 spoke with a supervisory special agent at the FBI in Albany about how to protect yourself from these kinds of scams.

Why you should report a scam even if you don’t fall for it

What many people do not know is that you should report these scams even if you don’t fall victim. Learn why.

MORE INFORMATION: FBI 2020 IC3 Report | IC3 complaint