Winner declared in town supervisor race after ballots found in machine
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There is an official winner this morning in the race for Lake Luzerne Town Supervisor.
This was one of the most contentious races in that region. Eight-term supervisor Gene Merlino did not get the endorsement of the Republican Party, so he waged a write-in campaign.
After the votes from election day were counted, Merlino trailed challenger Dan Waterhouse by 15 votes. After the absentees were counted, Waterhouse had a five-vote lead.
According to state law, a margin of fewer than 20 votes requires a total recount. When the county board of elections recounted, they found 14 write-in ballots that had been misdirected by the voting machine, so the county has certified Merlino the winner by a margin of eight votes.
Waterhouse can still challenge the results in court.