Hochul announces 30 projects to help transform Capital Region

Hochul announces 30 projects to help transform Capital Region

Gov. Kathy Hochul has announced 30 transformational projects across the Capital Region.

Gov. Kathy Hochul has announced 30 transformational projects across the Capital Region.

Eleven projects were announced for the city of Cohoes, including transforming historic Cohoes Music Hall into a carbon-neutral building.

Seven projects are set for Coxsackie, and five projects will take place in Cambridge. There are also seven projects set for Kinderhook.

They’re all being funded by the state’s Downtown Revitalization Initiative.

You can read about all of the projects below, courtesy of Governor Hochul’s Office.

The 11 City of Cohoes DRI projects, totaling $9.7 million, include: 

Transform Historic Cohoes Music Hall into a Carbon Neutral Building: $950,000 

Transform the Cohoes Music Hall into a carbon neutral building by upgrading HVAC and implementing geothermal and energy-efficient measures to enable a shift to clean energy, consequently enhancing audience comfort, performer experience and overall functionality. 

Rehabilitate the Historic Bank Building to Create a New Library: $2,486,000 

Revitalize the historic bank building into a new community library through adaptive reuse to include an ADA entrance, roofing upgrades, HVAC improvements and a revamped public plaza allowing for reading nooks and enhanced landscaping. 

Build a Mixed-Use 18-Unit Residential Structure: $2,250,000 

Build a new mixed-use building at 60 Remsen, adding residential density and commercial activity to the downtown core. 

Expand the Cohoes Hotel by Building 24-Residential Units: $1,500,000 

Build a three-story extension to the Cohoes Hotel, connecting the new building to the rear of the renovation and adding density to the downtown core. The building includes a mix of one- and two-bedroom units, with a range of residential amenities. 

Renovate Restaurant/Bar Space and Adjacent Outdoor Lot: $247,000 

Renovate the commercial ground floor of a three-story mixed-use building into a bar and restaurant with outdoor patio, restore the historic façade at 38 and 40 Oneida St – 59 and 61 Canvass St and rehabilitate adjacent parking lot with new surfacing, paths, seating, lighting and planting. 

Renovate the Historic Carter Building into Apartments and Commercial Spaces: $750,000 

Renovate the historic Carter Building at 57 Remsen Street into multiple commercial spaces and residential units with private amenities. Renovations include asbestos abatement, new HVAC, facade and roof repairs and interior refurbishments. 

Renovate Multiple Commercial Spaces and Residential Units: $448,000 

Renovate a three-story, vacant mixed-use building on Remsen Street, to allow for 7-8 new residential units and 2-5 commercial storefronts. Renovating the interiors and rehabilitating the MEP with some cosmetic touch-ups will lead to housing and commercial opportunity within the business center. 

Renovate Three Units within a Key Historic Mixed-Use Building: $244,000   

Renovate two upper floors above the Smith’s within the three-story mixed-use building at 171 Remsen Street. Rehabilitating the three currently gutted units aims to increase housing stock along Cohoes’s commercial corridor. 

Expand on Public Arts Through the Creation of Murals and Sculptures in the Downtown Core: $100,000 

Procuring and creating a series of murals and fabricating and installing a unique collection of mastodon sculptures throughout the Downtown – both beautifying the built environment and attracting foot traffic. 

Create City-wide Wayfinding and Branding: $125,000 

Create a wayfinding and branding strategy for downtown Cohoes that is graphically and materially consistent by designing and installing modifiable signage and immersive music elements at key locations. 

Establish a Cohoes Small Projects Fund: $600,000 

Implement a small project fund to offer reimbursement-based awards for small business support, aesthetic enhancements and façade improvements. The City’s Office of Community and Economic Development will manage and oversee the fund, establishing an evaluation criterion that also requires a 50% private sponsor match. 

NY Forward 

Building on the momentum of the State’s successful Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI), the $100 million NY Forward program adopts the same “Plan-then-Act” strategy as the DRI to support a more equitable downtown recovery for New York’s smaller and rural communities. NY Forward investments are part of the Governor’s ongoing efforts to revitalize the economy and create more opportunities in the Capital Region. 

The Seven Coxsackie NY Forward Projects, totaling $4.5 Million, include: 

Transform 14 S. River St. into Visitors Center and Museum: $1,186,000 

Rehabilitate 14 S. River St. into a Visitors’ Center and Museum, including multi-purpose community space as well as the addition of public bathrooms for visitors to downtown and Riverside Park. 

Restore Dolan Block for Mixed-Use Redevelopment: $1,000,000 

Rehabilitate the historic Dolan Block building to accommodate first-floor commercial space and approximately 10 residential units on the upper floors. 

Revitalize 5-7 Mansion St. for Mixed-Use: $700,000 

Rehabilitate the historic structure at 5-7 Mansion St. to accommodate ground floor commercial retail and/or food service and to provide multiple residential rental units on the upper floors. 

Develop Affordable Artists’ Housing at the Public Works Site: $500,000 

Construct a mixed-use, mixed-income affordable housing development at the Village Public Works site, focused on artists. The project will include an improved streetscape and any necessary brownfield remediation. 

Create an Art, Food, and Music Venue at 1 Reed St: $74,000 

Install a commercial kitchen and make interior and exterior improvements to the building at 1 Reed St. to accommodate a venue for community art shows, live music performances and specialty exhibits. 

Install Equipment to Improve Cell Service in Downtown Coxsackie: $240,000 

Install equipment on top of 46 Reed St. to provide cell coverage to residents and visitors of downtown Coxsackie. 

Improve Pedestrian Infrastructure Downtown: $800,000 

Design and construct street and sidewalk infrastructure to improve pedestrian connectivity and safety downtown, including an enhanced gateway entrance and incorporating green infrastructure improvements to address stormwater mitigation. 

The Five Cambridge NY Forward Projects, totaling $2.25 Million, include: 

Expand the Cambridge Public Library: $736,000 

Create a new entrance with an accessible lobby, community meeting room, book drop, local history displays, book sale area and room for the Farm2Library program, as well as Gazebo restoration. 

Rehabilitate the Red Barn and Establish the Owl Kill Trail Head and Community Park: $347,000 

Revitalize the “Lumberyard” through the rehabilitation of the Red Barn for commercial use, installation of walkways and a parking lot with EV charging and replacement of two derelict buildings with a public park and Owl Kill trailhead. 

Expand the Cambridge Food Co-Op Community Kitchen: $375,000 

Construct an addition to the Cambridge Food Co-Op building to expand the kitchen and provide additional storage, retail, and dining capacity, as well as facilitate cooking classes and community use. 

Naturalize the Owl Kill Stream and Improve Surrounding Park Amenities: $350,000 

Naturalize the stream banks of the Owl Kill to improve safety and access, particularly along the segment within Varak Park, with planning work extending through the Lumberyard area as well. 

Rebuild 18 West Main St. to Restore Rental Housing: $442,000 

Rebuild the fire-damaged structure at 18 West Main St. to accommodate approximately 4 residential rental units. 

The Seven Kinderhook NY Forward Projects, totaling $2.25 Million, include: 

Restore the Historic Bandstand and Install Public Restrooms: $220,000 

Restore the historic Bandstand with ADA accessibility and construct ADA-compliant public restrooms. 

Reconfigure and Improve Rothermal Park: $825,000 

Upgrade Rothermal Park to include new playground equipment, sporting courts and other site amenities. 

Revitalize the Old Pharmacy: $272,000 

Stabilize and rehabilitate the Old Pharmacy building, located on a prominent corner at Chatham St. and Albany Ave., to accommodate commercial use on the ground floor and residential rental apartments above.   

Improve Pedestrian and Bicyclist Infrastructure at Albany Ave.: $467,000 

Implement “complete streets” improvements along Albany Ave. to increase comfort and safety for pedestrians and bicyclists traveling between the Albany-Hudson Electric Trail and the core business district. 

Install a Community Footpath at the Vanderpoel House: $100,000 

Create a recreational community footpath across the House of History property, connecting the Albany-Hudson Electric Trail to Broad St. 

Install Lighting at the Village Square: $62,000 

Install new lighting along Broad St. and restore existing lighting at the Village Square. 

Small Projects Fund: $304,000 

Create a small projects fund to undertake a range of smaller renovation and façade improvements to commercial and mixed-use downtown buildings.