Albany carjacking victim gets a new car

Albany carjacking victim gets a new car

After an Albany woman lost her car in a frightening carjacking, strangers quickly made up for that bad act with their good deeds. Now, Clara Phillips has a new car.

ALBANY – Clara Phillips bought a car to replace the one she lost in a carjacking in Albany. She was without transportation for a while, but no longer.

“Oh, it’s great because walking wasn’t the greatest. I like to walk, I go walking in the park, but then when you have to walk everywhere it’s not good for me now,” she said.

These days, it’s a lot easier to get to her job at the South End Children’s Cafe.

“I can go to work, go to the doctor, go to the market, buy food, things like that, I can do everything now on my own. I don’t have to ask anybody,” said Phillips.

They were busy at the café preparing breakfast and lunch for the kids summer program.

“She started with me in 2015 when we opened the Children’s Cafe, Miss Clara has been there ever since, and she’s just in her life cooked thousands upon thousands of meals,” said Tracie Killar of the South End Children’s Cafe. “She’s just always here for us and always here for the children, and she’s just a real part of this community. Everybody knows Miss Clara!”

An Albany County couple saw a NewsChannel 13 story about the fundraising efforts for a new car for Phillips. The next day, they handed her a $10,000 check. That and other donations helped her buy the new car.

“I’m so glad I got it back,” said Phillips. “I’m so glad that the people helped me out. I thank the people so much, especially the couple that donated $10,000 and that was really nice of them. God bless them, continue to bless them.”

Miss Clara is planning to show her gratitude by cooking for those who donated.

“The more you give, the more you receive,” she said with a smile. “And I do know that.”