Four phone threats directed at Bethlehem schools in two days

There is an increased presence at Bethlehem High School on Friday after Bethlehem Police received four threatening phone calls. in a two-day period.
Police received two anonymous calls on Wednesday. One directed violence at the high school and one did not target any specific school. Local police and the FBI have determined that they appear to be a “swatting” hoax.
The district received a third call on Thursday, Oct.2 around 5 p.m. The Bethlehem Central School District received another phone threat on Thursday night at 11:40 p.m. An anonymous person called the police station and threatened gun violence at an unspecified football game at Bethlehem High School.
The threats are not found to be credible.
Bethlehem has been targeted by threatening calls since the start of the school year. They have been deemed to be swatting, according to police.