“Miss Clara” gets community help after Albany carjacking

Community helps get new car for carjacking victim

We told you last month about an 80-year-old woman who was carjacked in Albany by three men who totaled her car. That woman is Clara Phillips, well-known in the area for her volunteer work and generosity to the community.

ALBANY — Clara Phillips, affectionately known as Miss Clara, has worked at the South End Children’s Cafe for nine years.

“Why do I still do it? Because I like doing it. And another thing, it keeps you going. Keeps you going and keeps me in shape, pretty good shape,” she said, with a laugh.

The cafe serves dozens of children, giving them dinner every weeknight, help with homework, and after-dinner programs like dance and science.

Last month, Phillips was carjacked in Albany.

“I got in my car, like I always do and I put the key in the ignition,” she said. “In a few seconds there, there were two guys standing on the passenger side and one opened the door and said get out, get out, give me your keys! And I didn’t know what was going on, you know, but I was afraid, so what I did was I got out of the car.”

People– friends and strangers alike– are now raising money to help her get a new car. Here’s the GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/please-help-miss-clara-purchase-a-new-vehicle

Miss Clara has volunteered at church, local nonprofits, been a foster grandparent, and is always ready to cook for someone.

“My mother was a very good cook. I learned from her,” she said. “And she always said always be nice to people and people will be nice to you. And that is the truth.”

There’s even an award named after her: the Clara Phillips Generosity Award.

“You have to pray and ask the Lord to protect you and take care of you and he did just that,” said Phillips. “Because they could have hurt me. They could have done anything to me, they could have killed me, they could have shot me or anything. I don’t know if they had guns, but it’s a possibility they did.”

She has words for her carjackers.

“And I would tell them, you’ve got to do better. That’s the only way you can live in this world, by doing good things. If you do good, then it’s going to come back to you.”