Road in Stephentown slammed by flooding once again
Garfield Road in Stephentown was washed away for the second time in less than a month.
The beaver dam that gave way up on top the mountain back in July was built back up and gave way once again Tuesday morning.
“It’s frustrating because we have 330 miles that we maintain, so we have a lot of work to do.” Rensselaer County Highway Superintendent Dave Anthony said. “To send a crew here and take away from our normal summer activity, it’s hard.”
Last month, the multi-million-dollar runoff flooded the basement of Ian Lanier. Fortunately, this time around, the freshly paved road redirected the runoff around Anthony’s home, although it still washed away much of brand-new landscaping he personally replaced after the last flood.
While The Highway Superintendent believes the flooding could have been prevented, He also thinks this certainly could happen again.