Skylar’s Cousin: We want answers now

ROTTERDAM – Even though 24-year old Skylar Pettit is believed to have died sometime last spring, Rotterdam Police didn’t begin their investigation until they were made aware of the woman’s death in late July. Now, several months after the investigation began, the key question remains unanswered.

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“I still haven’t been able to figure out (why she was left in her bed for so long after she died,” said Justin Grygas, Skylar’s cousin.

Grygas is still grieving the loss of his beloved cousin. At the same time, he remains angry and perplexed as to why no one has been held accountable given the bizarre set of circumstances surrounding her death.

“We’ve got a body wrapped in plastic,” Grygas points out, “If that happens before death, that’s murder. If it happens after death, that’s tampering with a body.”

“When you hurt a family, you pay a penalty,” he continued, “When you break laws or do things illegal or not according to social norms and standards, you serve a penalty.”

Even though a coroner determined Skylar died of natural causes, Justin says he’s convinced criminal activity took place, suggesting there’s no reasonable explanation for his cousin’s body to be wrapped in plastic and left to decompose in her bed for several months inside her home on Greenpoint Avenue.

“My family is Grieving, people are hurt, and people are sad,” Grygas asserts, “We want answers and we want answers now.”