Spike in deadly overdoses worrying Schenectady Police

Six people in Schenectady have died due to suspected drug overdoses in the city – in less than one week.

It’s a major spike. That’s especially considering in all of 2021, 44 people died of overdoses in Schenectady County.

There are two things outreach workers want you to know. First, never use drugs alone, and always carry Narcan if you or someone you know is using drugs.

In the meantime, police are using the power of sharing information to get people help before it’s too late.

Learn about the partners helping them, and the tools that are available to protect peoples’ lives by watching the video of Stella Porter’s story.

Here are some resources to help:

Never Use Alone Hotline – https://neverusealone.com/ or 1-800-484-3731

Catholic Charities/Project Safe Point – 24/7 Health Hub toll free # – 1-866-930-4999. Harm reduction services, overdose prevention (including naloxone) treatment readiness and referral, syringe exchange, HIV and Hepatitis C Screening. Fentanyl test strips are also available by calling the number above.

Alliance for Positive Health – 518-346-9272, ext. 3213. Harm reduction services, overdose prevention (including naloxone), treatment readiness and referral, HIV and Hepatitis C Screening. Fentanyl test strips are also available by calling the number above.

New Choices – (518)346-4436 or (518) 382-7838. Provides outpatient services, medication assisted treatment, and recovery supports. Fentanyl and xylazine test strips are also available by calling the number above.

Conifer Park – 518-399-6446 for the main facility and 800-926-6433 for intake/admissions (Inpatient), (518) 372-7031 (outpatient). Provides MAT, and Family Support services.

SPARC Inpatient Rehab – (518) 452-6700

SPARC Rotterdam clinic – (518) 357-2909. Provides outpatient and MAT services

Ellis Emergency Department- Provides MAT and referrals to treatment, and CRPA (Certified Recovery Peer Advocate) support: Mon-Fri 8-4 with referrals to either Conifer Park or Catholic Charities outside of those hours.

The RSS/Ellis Living Room- (518) 831-1523. Provides an alternate to visiting Emergency Room for mental health crises.

Hometown Health – Open Mon-Thu 7:00am-7:00pm, Fri 7:00am-5:00pm and Sat 9:00am-1:00pm. Call 518-370-1441 ext. 4182 or ext. 4175. Offering health services, Certified Recovery Peer Advocated (CRPA’s), Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT), Outpatient Substance Use Disorder services, and nursing staff and SUD OP staff trained in SBIRT, helping with early intervention and treatment for those with a substance use disorder. Visit http://hometownhealthcenters.org/ for more information.

Project COAST – (Coordinated Opioid and Stimulant Treatment) – 866-518-4991. This is 24/7 same day access to MAT for individuals that use opioids.

St. Joseph’s Addiction Treatment & Recovery Centers – Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHC) – provide a comprehensive range of assistance to individuals and families in need of care. They can help out with housing assistance, food insecurities, mental health treatment, substance use treatment, case management, etc. Call (518)-354-5390 for more information.

https://www.schenectadycounty.com/public-health/narcan – You can get trained in naloxone via the Schenectady County website. Call Jennifer Hayden at (518) 386-2067 or the Office of Community Services at (518) 386-2218 for more information. Fentanyl and xylazine test strips are also available by calling the number above.

The Schenectady Cares Program at the Schenectady Police Department- 24/7, walk-in program which helps individuals connect with services throughout the region. 518-630-0911.