Treasurer: Albany collected $790K from school speed zone cameras so far

Treasurer: Albany collected $790K from school speed zone cameras so far

Albany has made some big bucks off the speeding cameras at school zones. According to Albany Treasurer Darius Shahinfar, the city has issued 46,500 tickets to motorists speeding through school zones since the cameras went online back on Oct. 7.

Albany has made some big bucks off the speeding cameras at school zones.

According to Albany Treasurer Darius Shahinfar, the city has issued 46,500 tickets to motorists speeding through school zones since the cameras went online back on Oct. 7.

At $50 per ticket, that amounts to over $2 million in fines.

The camera company receives $33 for every ticket. The city receives $17 for every ticket.

So in just under three months, the city has collected $790,000.