Troy firefighter arrested in Bethlehem burglaries faces more charges in Troy

New charges for paramedic accused of burglary

The Troy firefighter accused of stealing items from patients' homes in Bethlehem is also facing charges for a similar crime in Troy. Devvan A. Farina, 39, of Albany, was arrested March14 in connection with a January burglary, Troy Police confirmed on Tuesday. A 28-year-old woman reported that she had been taken to the hospital on Jan. 5 by Troy firefighters and when she returned, she realized several items had been stolen, Troy Police said.

The Troy firefighter accused of stealing items from patients’ homes in Bethlehem is also facing charges for a similar crime in Troy.

Devvan A. Farina, 39, of Albany, was arrested March 14 in connection with a January burglary, Troy Police confirmed on Tuesday. A 28-year-old woman reported that she had been taken to the hospital on Jan. 5 by Troy firefighters and when she returned, she realized several items had been stolen, Troy Police said. The items included video game systems, electronics, tools and an iPhone.

Farina was one of the responding firefighters. He allegedly returned later to steal the items. He was charged with burglary and grand larceny.

Farina, who also works as a paramedic for the Albany County Sheriff’s Office, also was arrested in connection with a series of burglaries in January. Farina allegedly stole items from homes where he knew patients had been taken to the hospital. In one case, he is accused of taking $1,600 worth of jewelry.

Farina was suspended from both his position with the Albany County Sheriff’s Office and Troy Fire Department.

NewsChannel 13 is working to learn further updates on his job status.