Finding right treatment for depression can take time

Finding right treatment for depression can take time

When it comes to find the right medication to treat depression, it can be a trial-and-error process that can last for months or even years. A new study found there are actually six different types of depression that can affect what medication works and what doesn't.

When it comes to find the right medication to treat depression, it can be a trial-and-error process that can last for months or even years.

However, a new study found there are actually six different types of depression that can affect what medication works and what doesn’t.

CNN is reporting new research that has identified six subtypes of depression via brain imaging and machine learning.

This new study means scientists are one step closer to being able to prescribe treatments to patients based on how depression is affecting their brain.

Researchers found one of these subtypes is characterized by hyperactivity in the cognitive regions, which is linked to more anxiety.

Participants with this subtype, according to the study, had the best response to antidepressants.

There’s also a subtype characterized with higher connectivity in the regions of the brain associated with problem-solving.

Participants with this subtype found their symptoms were better managed with behavioral talk therapy instead of medication.

Doctors currently must rely on patients to describe their symptoms and come to a diagnosis.