Holiday sadness can be overwhelming for some

Holiday sadness can be overwhelming for some

When you think about the holidays, happiness probably comes to mind.

When you think about the holidays, happiness probably comes to mind.

For some people, this time of year can be difficult.

The holidays remind people of those who have passed away.

One way you can cope is to connect with family and friends.

Sometimes, even just sitting with another person can be comforting.

It’s also important to check on any family members or friends you may think are feeling sad or lonely.

“Reaching out, offering to help them with something, inviting them over for a meal or a cup of coffee — those are also things that you can do to reach out to others who you think might be depressed around this time,” suggested Kia-Rai Prewitt, Ph.D. with Cleveland Clinic.

If you notice your mood doesn’t seem to be improving with time, it’s best to consult with a mental health professional.