Parents urged to limit screen time in summer

Experts say to limit children’s screen time in the summer

Parents are advised to keep restrictions in place this summer regarding the amount of screen time. Spending time outdoors and staying active is good for younger kids to keep their imagination alive.

Parents are advised to keep restrictions in place this summer regarding the amount of screen time.

Spending time outdoors and staying active is good for younger kids to keep their imagination alive.

It’s best for parents to set ground rules early so their children know what to expect.

There’s also the option of using parental controls and screen limits if needed.

Dr. Gina Robinson said she understands that parents are tired and busy with work, cooking, keeping the house and order and trying to spend time with family

“So it’s hard sometimes to keep all those in the air, and it’s easy to kind of let your guard down and then just say, ok, you can, you can have your screens but just try as hard as you can to keep some structure,’” she said.

Experts say two hours per day is a good starting point for screens, and then try to break that up into smaller increments with other activities scheduled in between.