Albany’s Ronald McDonald House becomes home for Cooperstown family

For more than 40 years, Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Capital Region has been providing families with a place to stay and some peace of mind. As part of the birthday celebration for the “House That Love Built,” there’s a 5K this Saturday, June 24, in Albany.

At least one family was quick to sign up in gratitude – the family of Finnegan Gott.

He was born 16 months ago with two main arteries reversed and not providing proper blood flow.

Finnegan underwent multiple surgeries for the first eight weeks of his life, and was kept in the hospital. Driving back and forth the nearly two hours from outside Cooperstown – let alone being that far away from their newborn at all – was not an option. So the Ronald McDonald House in Albany became home for the Gott Family.

Learn more about just how much that helped the family, and how Finnegan is doing now by watching the video of Chris Onoratos story.

MORE: Ronald McDonald House Charities 5K Fun Run