Capital Region cyclists to ride 100 miles for missing children
A group of 100 bike riders will embark on a 100-mile bike ride on Friday – all in the name of families searching for missing loved ones.
The Ride For Missing Children is an annual event that raises awareness and money for the efforts to find people who are missing.
The event in Albany would not be possible with some longtime riders, who come back year after year and now help lead this amazing event. Among them are includes Lisa Luyckx, Gabby Moriello, Laurie Alber and Ira Share, who NewsChannel 13 caught up with before the ride.
The ride includes stops at several pre-selected Capital Region schools along the way. The students at those schools come out and cheer the riders on. They also get a lesson on how to stay safe from potential predators.
Learn more about what riders say is the most powerful part of the day – the silent tribute – by watching the video of Subrina Dhammi’s story.