Prom lets local students with disabilities celebrate accomplishments

Students with disabilities excited for prom

This weekend marks an opportunity for children in the Capital Region with disabilities to let loose and celebrate an important teenage milestone.

This weekend marks an opportunity for children in the Capital Region with disabilities to let loose and celebrate an important milestone.

The Kevin G. Langan School at the Center for Disability Services is hosting its annual prom Friday. It is being held at the Holiday Inn Express in Latham – sponsored by the New York State Industries for the Disabled.

The center also hosted a prom this year for students at its Prospect Center in Queensbury.

Maya Vasquez, 15, and her mom Audrey can’t wait to see her dressed up for her first prom.

“I don’t think prom was something we thought we would get to experience with Maya,” said Audrey Vasquez.

Maya was born with cerebral palsy. She’s had to spend weeks of her life in the hospital undergoing major surgeries. She started attending the Langan School when she was 2 years old – now surpassing predictions about what she’d be able to do.  

“They work very hard in pushing Maya, Maya has adapted to the world around her in more ways than we ever had expected she would,” Audrey said.

At prom, Maya and her family felt they would get a chance to focus on celebrating her accomplishments.

“As the parent of a special needs child, there’s so many other things day in and day out that kind of take priority over those fun things, and it’s unfortunate, but it’s true,” Audrey said.

The prom will feature a DJ, dancing and all the details of a masquerade party. It’s come to be an annual tradition students love.

“Every student deserves prom. And students here at our Langan School are so excited to get dressed up, to be with friends, to dance and to just have a really fun activity like any other teenager at this time of the year,” said Anne Schneider Costigan, Spokesperson for the Center for Disability Services. “To have that joy, to bring that milestone and to have that memory is very special for all of us here.”